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Forum moderator: Badmove  
Operation burn forest....
T10Date: Friday, 2010/September/17, 10:23 AM | Message # 1
Tier 4 Poster
Group: Member
Messages: 833
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
*Warning, long post.

A lot of you guys are pissed off about "Run forest run" server for hacking honor and hosting mods, they've been getting away with it for years. Plakk or someone had a server called "Plakk wants to be somebody" before, i liked the server name, but that was taken down for the same reason. The hard part to take down a server is finding the host of the server to begin with. We know the country for their servers is located in hungry so most likely it's a provider from their country. So let's back trace a little.

How did plakk's server get shut down? Here is how his server to knocked off.


The server got reported to america's army and their proivder.

How did you find their provider?


IP addresses can say more then just a general location of where you are at if you look hard enough.
I traced the ip to locate it to the provider ""

What did you email america's army and the host?


We have found out that there were servers running honor hacks. I have already reported one server to their provider and they had taken care of the issue. But this server has been hosted at home I believe so there is no sure way to contact the provider. I had done a look on the server databases and this server is never located anywhere, but if you do a search for the server's IP on a player database, it will go straight to the owner of the server. To back-track, here is the message we had gotten and sent out to the server provider of another server using an honor hack.

Thank you that informed from the server. This escaped our attention. The
honour version we took it out and only the basis game useful on the
And excuse me my weak English language knowledge.


> Hello.
> I am here just wondering about a server you guys are hosting. The server
> is called "Plaque server"/"Plakk Server" in America's Army 2.8.3.
> Here is a screenshot attached.

This are also some attached screenshots on this email. One of them will show you a screenshot of my email I had gotten. Another would is showing you the server that is running the honor hack currently on the in-game server browser. The last one will show you a screenshot of the battletracker and date + time of the server running.

There is server number 3 that had been doing that. I had emailed the owners through battletracker, and the last owner has not put his server up since then. While this last one with falcon still does not care.

Thank you for your time. Hope to hear from you soon and hope you can take some kind of action.

Is "Run forest run" using the same provider?
yes he is. i believe since plakk's server got taken down once it was reported, he is trying new tricks to not be reported. sometimes you don't see their server online. why is that? the reason I believe is because whenever the server is offline, it doesn't show up in the server list their provider gives out here...

But I don't see the run forest run server on there even though it's online right now in game.
yes i know that. this is the problem i am facing right now. you guys might of seen that knew server pop up called "-Magyar^" Noob_Tiger"ESL_Server!" on 2.8.3 once. that was the name before, then the name changed to -Magyar^" Noob_Tiger"ESL_Random_weapon_Server! with the map on urban and changed to honor. the only person that has been hosting random weapon servers and placing them on the urban assault map forest run. I believe there might be a name changing lag on their provider's website so we can't see the name "run forest run"

but why don't you report their server right now?
because i'm waiting for hard evidence. i don't think this is good enough right now.i could be all wrong on this so instead i want to be safe then sorry. plus if he comes on our site, he can know what we are doing. this is why this post is in the public zone.

* I took out some parts in the email I sent out to america's army and their host. also i stopped typing because venom and grin came in the chat

He's a wallflower


BadmoveDate: Friday, 2010/September/17, 9:05 PM | Message # 2
Pacific Beach, SD.
Group: Dev
Messages: 1442
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
I've always had trouble with Plakk, Pati, [HUN] in general.. I dont like what they do



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-=CaptMorgan=-Date: Friday, 2010/September/17, 9:53 PM | Message # 3
Assault Division Leader
Group: Recruits/Guests
Messages: 350
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Lets shut them down!!!!!!!!

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