NO ... Admitted that the other account is his. Has spoofed his MAC address.
.w4n73d. BFCB3C2D1F904D21AA2E06C67A760AC1 Unknown 2009-11-15 14:31:51 GMT -5
Is linked to an active hacker and is an admitted friend of said hacker.
These kinds of responces will haunt you untill you
change your MAC address MAC = Machine access code
change your IP address IP = Internet protocol address
Cease and decist from any activity in game with this said friend
NOTE and WARNING it only takes one link to link you back to all the Bull Shit
DO NOT play in internet cafe's It's a hackers haven. Or on a network where you know djflooryn has been.
Sorry the risk is too great for me .. if the links were old .. like from a year or two ago I'd give you the benifit of the doubt. I won't risk the clan being linked as well